MacWorld 1999 July
Macworld (1999-07).dmg
Shareware World
For Developers
Mops 3.4.sea
Mops source
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327 lines
\ Front end for Mops.
\ EVENTLOOP is a word you can use in installed applications, or during
\ testing if you have other windows up besides fWind. If one of the
\ other windows is in front, typed keys are sent to it via KEY:. If
\ fWind is in front, typed keys are interpreted. Your other windows
\ will need an Activate handler which calls EventLoop.
: EVENTLOOP \ 30Apr94 DBH, incredibly simple
next: fevent \ next: no longer returns a boolean
\ Some objects needed by QE and TEfwindMod
handle QEhand \ a place for the handle passed in from Quick Edit
string+ QEstr
false value ClrStk? \ true if we're to clear stack on next idle
\ or update
' drop vect .CELL
: (.CELL) \ ( adr -- )
@ . ;
' (.cell) -> .cell \ This is enhanced when FP loaded
window DW \ For display of source text during debugging
forward setTW
IMPORT{ l rl cl fm need included
+log -log (create_log) (write_log)
locate_src addr>curs move_curs ?open_in_QE
edit openSource def??
redraw use_module
1up 1dn 1lft 1rt homex end defnup defndn selectdw
prof_str }
: LOCATE openSource ; \ a better name, I think
:f CREATE_LOG (create_log) ;f
:f WRITE_LOG (write_log) ;f
compile: extrasMod
' null vect ABOUTVEC \ So AppleMen can be reused as is by
\ applications.
' bye vect BYEVEC \ Our new TE interface needs to do some extra things
\ Define the menus for the Mops menu bar:
2 AppleMenu APPLEMEN
6 menu FILEMEN
9 EditMenu EDITMEN
3 menu LISTMEN
3 menu SHOWMEN
6 menu UTILMEN
\ PowerPC assembler - now moved to file ppc1
from pasmMod import{ :PPC_code ;PPC_code
disasm disasm_word disasm_xt
disasm_rng disasm_cnt disasm_one
set_disasm_call_range }
compile: pasmMod
\ Support code for our TEwind interface:
string+ TWstr
forward NEWVECS
forward OLDVECS
false value PROMPT?
forward run_TE
forward .room
forward doPref
forward nimpl
forward flush_TWstr
from TEFwindMod import{ do_run_TE TEFwind bye+ evalFromQE
xUndo xCut xCopy xPaste xClear xSelAll }
from FEMOD import{ (about)
enFW disFW save stdSave doSave
doUndo doCut doCopy doPaste doClear doSelAll xPref
doOlist doClist x.room xNimpl
Lecho doPurge
get_appl_name get_appl_vers get_appl_sig
set_appl_name set_appl_vers set_appl_sig
run_FE }
:f .room x.room ;f
:f doPref xPref ;f
:f nimpl xNimpl ;f
compile: FEmod
compile: TEFwindMod
lock: TEFwindMod
TEFwind TW
screenbits true setGrow: tw
true setZoom: tw
: TWPORT? \ The vecs only need to be different if TW is the grafport
savePort thePort @ addr: tw = ;
topFile nilP <>
IF \ We try to open the source in QE. We don't use LOCATE_SRC
\ since here we only want a source display if it's QE.
topFile ?open_in_QE
pos: topFile move_curs
IF -echo 0 -> (err#) \ Clear error indicator from AppleEvents
dflt-err \ Display error info and abort
ELSE (ddie)
' err_src -> dflt-die
:f FLUSH_TWstr
pos: TWstr 0EXIT
lock: TWstr
all: TWstr insert: TW
unlock: TWstr
clear: TWstr ;f
: XEMIT \ ( char -- )
IF +: TWstr
ELSE (emit)
IF RET xemit flush_TWstr
ELSE (cr)
: XTYP \ ( addr len -- )
IF add: TWstr
ELSE (type)
: XSPS \ Replacement for SPACES
IF dup 0<= IF drop EXIT THEN
pad swap 2dup bl fill
add: TWstr
ELSE (spaces)
RP0 RP! eventloop ; \ QUIT will now always come back to EventLoop
['] xemit -> emitvec
['] xcr -> crvec
['] xtyp -> typevec
['] xsps -> spvec
['] xemit -> echovec
['] setTW -> setfWind
['] xquit -> quitvec
['] bye+ -> byevec
['] (emit) -> emitvec
['] (cr) -> crvec
['] (type) -> typevec
['] (spaces) -> spvec
['] (emit) -> echovec
['] (sf) -> setfWind
\ 0 -> quitvec \ mh May94 - quit doesn't get changed any more
['] bye -> byevec
load: TEFwindMod lock: TEFwindMod \ May have been purged
new: TWstr \ 31Jan94 DBH
TW do_run_TE
:f setTW select: TW set: TW enable: TW ;f
\ ================= start of QE-related code ===================
\ The following words are called from QE, by QE sending us a string to
\ StackClear clears the stack - we don't do the actual clear straight away,
\ since the Mops system might have a variable number of cells in use.
\ Instead we set clrStk? true, so that we'll handle it when our window TW
\ gets idle: or update:, when things are consistent.
true -> clrStk? ;
\ ClrWind is used by the QE and Mops menu item "Clear Window".
: ClrWind
IF cls
ELSE selAll: TW clear: TW
actW TW <> \ this seems to be necessary if TW isn't frontmost
IF getRect: TW put: tempRect clear: tempRect THEN
\ Now we have the words which support high-level events from Quick Edit.
\ (Note these aren't AppleEvents.)
\ Thanks to Doug Hoffman for these.
: DoHLevent \ ( -- b )
msgClass: fEvent 'type TEXT = \ a simple check for proper class
msgID: fEvent put: QEhand \ message ID is merely the handle from QE
ptr: QEhand size: QEhand put: QEstr
evalFromQE fWind? NIF update: TW cr THEN \ 01Feb94 DBH Need the cr to insert: tw
true \ we did handle the event
false \ we did not handle the event
: InitQE
instld? ?EXIT \ Mustn't do this in installed apps
true -> resume?
['] DoHLevent -> HLeventVec
new: QEstr
' InitQE add: init_actions
\ =========== End of QE-related code ==================
0 value TEMPA5 \ Used by DebugMod while we're getting
\ addressable. Must be in main dic.
0 value LAST_TIME \ These 3 are used by DebugMod when profiling.
0 value NOW
0 value THIS_BP
from DEBUGMOD import{ in notin (see) see debug unbug resume show
profile showp }
from INSTLMOD import{ installWind }
\ Feb96 BLB:
:a install \ - remains "install" for 'command line' use
disable: menuBar \ - else reselection could happen?
disable: TW
enable: menuBar
enable: TW
from UTILMOD import{ .mods .msgs addmsg removemsg getindstr }
from ALERTQMOD import{ (al) }
xts{ aboutVec doDsk } 1 init: appleMen
xts{ L null doSave stdSave null byevec } 2 init: FileMen
xts{ words doOlist doClist } 4 init: ListMen
xts{ .paths .room .mods } 5 init: ShowMen
xts{ LEcho stackClear ClrWind null install doPurge }
6 init: UtilMen
: RUN \ System startup word for the Mops development environment.
sysinit run_FE ;
' run -> objinit
20 -> sleepticks \ Default value - allows a time display
\ to be updated reasonably.
false -> fwind? \ Default is our new TE window. This will now
\ be permanent for the Mops development
\ environment.
compile: FEmod
compile: utilmod
compile: debugmod
compile: instlmod
cr cr cr
.( The Mops system is compiled. Now save the dictionary, by typing e.g.) cr
.( save Mops.dic) cr
.( then type bye to quit, and after that you'll be able to fire up the) cr
.( newly-compiled dictionary.) cr cr